Your Comfort is Attended by Permanent Violence

2018 | 50ft x 11ft | various tapes, vinyl and wall paint

BRIC | Brooklyn, New York


Your Comfort Is Attended by Permanent Violence is a site-specific wall drawing for BRIC ArtFP using hand-cut vinyl and individually-placed strips of holographic, metallic and translucent tape.

The work explores the oblique angle as metaphor for the perspective of the marginalized (whether female, queer, racial minority, trans, undocumented, disabled etc.) to recognize power structures while those in the dominant position cannot. Capitalizing on the site’s architecture as a hallway, the piece features text that is divided by a break in the wall which reads: “YOUR COMFORT IS PERMANENT” on one side and “ATTENDED BY VIOLENCE” on the other. One can only read the piece in its entirety—”YOUR COMFORT IS ATTENDED BY PERMANENT VIOLENCE”—by positioning oneself obliquely at either end of the hallway using the architectural scale to implicate the viewer's body in the work.


Redaction Orders


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